Travel Expert and Advice Column Recommends Armourcard to readers.
Acclaimed travel advice column DOC HOLIDAY featured in the Sunday National News Limited newspapers has recommended Armourcard as a must have while travelling.
In the Article Doc Holiday went on to say
I suggest you safeguard yourself for your up coming trip and your everyday movements with one of these cards
The Co Founder of Armourcard Tyler Harris made comments
This was a fantastic surprise to wake up to this article this morning while out having breakfast with my family.
Harris went on to say:
…with a lot of passive card type devices currently flooding the market and being touted trying to blur the lines between their products and our patented technology, we are so pleased to see that the travel professionals who we look to for advice recommend Armourcard as the best product to protect you.
Armourcard is the only product to have FCC (Federal Communication Commission) approval as we needed it as Armourcard emits a “Jamming signal”, we are also TSA approved to go through airport security.
You may also like this article / consumer alert-RFID protect cards are not created equal
[Article appeared in the Doc Holiday expert weekly advice on travel queries feature in the National Sunday News Limited Papers on Sunday 6th March 2016]
To read the article see the newspaper snipet below.